Thursday, January 13, 2022

Best Practices

What Do You Mean When You Say "Best Practices"?

A collection of standards, ethics, or concepts that reflect the most efficient or wise course of action in a specific business setting are referred to as best practices.

Authorities, such as regulators, self-regulatory organisations (SROs), or other governing bodies, may develop best practices, or a company's management team may decide on them itself.


  • Working standards or ethical principles that provide the optimal course(s) of action in a particular scenario are referred to as best practices.

  • Businesses can set best practices through companies, regulations, or governing organisations.

  • Best practices serve as a road map for a company's operations and offer the most effective solutions to difficulties and challenges that emerge.

  • Researching the industry and competitors, conveying the standards to all workers, defining measurements, managing change, reviewing and improving the best practices are all steps in establishing best practices.

  • "Just in time" and "kaizen" are two typical inventory management best practices that have been applied.

Best Practices in Action

Best practices are a generic framework that may be applied to a range of scenarios. Employees in organisations that generate tangible items, for example, may be provided best practises that emphasise efficient ways to execute jobs. In order to reduce employee injuries, best practices lists may include safety protocols.

The generally accepted accounting principles (GAAP) are recommended practices for corporate accountants. GAAP stands for "Generally Accepted Accounting Principles," which aims to improve the clarity, uniformity, and comparability of financial data transmission.

GAAP makes it easier to compare financial information from various firms in the same industry. By increasing transparency, this helps both investors and the firms in which they invest. 

When handling a client's money, investment managers can follow best practices by cautiously investing in a well-diversified portfolio and sticking to the client's risk tolerances, time horizons, and retirement plans.

TIP Best practises for an organisation might include corporate governance and a code of ethics.

Particular Points to Consider

"Best practices" is a broad word that may be applied to a wide range of businesses. The word is used in the business sector to describe the most efficient technique of performing a task, and it is utilized in anything from project management to audit activities.

With the introduction of improved quality control methods, a mechanism to set quantifiable benchmarks and convey strategies to quickly integrate new standards of excellence across a company became necessary. This is accomplished by recognising problems, measuring their frequency, nurturing solutions, and ensuring that those solutions are implemented in a way that addresses the concerns at hand.

Developing Best Practices: A Step-by-Step Guide

The following are eight steps to creating best practises:

  1. Complete your homework: Investigate what your industry's best practices are in terms of customer service, recruiting, promotions, production, and everything else that matters.

  2. Share your knowledge: Once you've identified which best practices are most important, make sure everyone in your firm is on the same page.

  3. Define your performance indicators: When deciding on your best practices, make sure they're quantifiable so you can measure your progress toward implementing them and increase responsibility.

  4. Change management: Change is usually resisted by employees and others. When implementing new procedures, be prepared for opposition and have a strategy for moving forward.

  5. Modify and tailor a best practise for your business: When implementing a best practise, make sure it matches the needs of your company and aligns with your objectives.

  6. Everyone should be involved: Make sure that everyone in the organisation is aware of best practices and has committed to follow them, just as you did with personal information.

  7. Align company and consumer needs: Seek advice from other firms or customers who may be able to assist you in refining and improving your best practices.

  8. Examine and improve: Take stock of your best practices as your company grows and refine them as needed to fit the changing needs of your company. 

Best Practices Examples

Just when you needed it

Just in time (JIT) is an inventory management best practices that aims to synchronise supplies bought from suppliers with a manufacturing schedule. JIT aims to increase efficiency and eliminate waste by only receiving resources when they are required. While this reduces inventory costs, it also necessitates firms to precisely estimate demand for their products in order to guarantee adequate supplies are on hand.


Kaizen is a Japanese management philosophy that aims to progressively and deliberately increase production. It's a Japanese term that signifies "improvement" or "change for the better."

Kaizen aims to incorporate all staff and continuously improve operations. Designing a workplace to be more efficient and impactful by fostering a team culture, improving everyday routines, ensuring employee engagement, and aiming to make occupations more satisfying, safer, and less stressful are all characteristics of kaizen.

Investors' Best Practices

With so many companies to select from, deciding which one to add to your portfolio may be difficult. When picking a stock, think about how you want your portfolio to look in the future and keep it in mind as you go.

As an investor, it's vital to keep up with daily news, not just about the businesses you're researching or have already invested in, but also about world and financial events, as they have an influence on equities. Reading the news is likely to be the first step in determining which stock to invest in. Knowing which firms are on the rise, which industries are poised for growth, and where the economy is headed can help you determine where to begin your search.

Begin developing a list of stocks that pique your attention. If you read that a new technology has arrived that has rendered another product obsolete (for example, cell phones have rendered conventional landlines useless), you may start looking into such businesses.

You may locate stocks by looking up the major players in the industry you're interested in. Exchange traded funds (ETFs) that invest in the industry, on the other hand, are a good option. Screeners may also be used to sift through firms based on a range of characteristics including market capitalization and earnings. Following that, a thorough examination of a company's financial accounts will supply you with all the data you want on the company's health.

What Are the Best Educational Practices?

Staying proactive in education means making sure your next educational activity is planned and ready to go before the current one ends. By decreasing distractions, this helps pupils to be more engaged. Encourage dialogue in the classroom by incorporating students. This might involve changing the way they respond to questions (e.g. verbal, written, visual, in groups, etc.). Set an end goal and figure out how to get there with your pupils by working backwards. Always maintain your materials, such as lesson plans, on hand so that you may build on what you've done before and improve your teaching style. Finally, establish the example you want your pupils to follow by being a role model. 

What Are Healthcare Best Practices?

Training your team so that they know how to provide excellent service and prioritise patient care and experience is one of the best practices in healthcare. Assist patients through patient education, which has been shown to improve the overall patient experience. Patients who grasp the what, why, and how of their health and the care they are receiving are often happier and more at ease. Create a caring environment by paying attention to minor things like remembering a patient's name, smiling, listening intently, and making follow-up calls. 

What Are Customer Service Best Practices?

Successful personnel are the foundation of good customer service. Make sure you're employing the greatest employees and rewarding them for staying with your company. This may be accomplished through competitive salary and benefits, as well as a positive company culture.

Manage the expectations of your customers. It's simple to tell a client that they'll be taken care of, but this isn't always the reality. Being forthright and honest with a consumer will always keep them grounded and avoid disappointment.

When it comes to customer service, initial impressions are crucial. Make the best possible first impression. This sets the tone for future interactions and influences consumers' perceptions of the service they're getting. Collect as much information as possible to assist them while also personalising the experience. 

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